SISTER - VENGEANCE IGNITED (Flick Records, 2021)

“…They blend the sound of Punk, Glam, Rock and Metal with the result of playing like the bastard sons of Misfits, Motley Crue and Alice Cooper. 
Their album "Vengance Ignited" will be released on February 26 via Flick Records…”

Genre: New Glam/Punk/Metal
Rating: 8/10

With this album SISTER continue to follow the convincing formula that has already characterized their previous works, namely a Modern Horror Glam Punk Metal bastard son of Motley Crue 'SHOUT AT THE DEVIL-era', Lordi,  Alice Cooper and Rob Zombie.  The ten tracks featured in “Vengeance Ignited” show a very homogeneous and compact work characterized by abrasive vocals, highly catchy choruses and sudden punk accelerations and now, it is perfectly evident and under everyone’s  eyes, that this band has the great merit of knowing how to put together overwhelming, scratchy  extremely catchy hard rock songs; 
these Swedes know where they come from, they know what to do and they know where to go ... These Glam Monsters definitely  know their stuff! The opening "Bring Out the Dead" is a devastating bomb while the title track "Vengeance Ignited" and  "Scream for Pleasure" are simply two irresistible and engaging hits, with seductive and almost "radio-friendly" refrains to sing out loud.  “Spitfire” has a gait that almost flows into the Thrash Metal with Jamie Anderson's vitriolic voice, scratchy, cutting and effective like never before. "Psycho Thrilling" and "Primal Rage" have an aftertaste and a sound slightly more 'modern'  and remind us of Wednesday 13  or Rob Zombie,  while in my opinion, with the following "Die with a Smile" and "Walk with Me", we reach the compositional climax of the album;  we are faced with two authentic Street/Glam pearls contaminated by Punk outbursts, two authentic 'anthemic' contagious furies that will not take prisoners during the live shows: two absolute Top-Songs halfway between the Crashdiet of the golden age and the legendary TWISTED SISTER.
We are almost at the end of the album, and here Jamie Anderson and band-mates take a little break with a gloomy gothic semi-ballad called "Whispering Winds"; the rhythm slows down, a melancholy and dramatic piano accompanies Anderson's voice that sounds graceless and raspy beyond belief, the emotional crescendo of the song is very beautiful supported by a moving guitar solo and by the overlapping of different voices in the finale ...another beautiful track!
The ending is entrusted to the sparkling modern Rock'n'Roll of  "One Last Ride",  an interesting light-hearted, funny and festive song, that wouldn't look out of place on an album by the best Hardcore Superstar. So, this "Vengeance Ignited" is a really successful album with songs with a strong impact, engaging at the right point and many of them stand as real anthems of Horror Glam Rock able to strike from the first listen.  A welcome return for all lovers of the genre.
If you are looking for complex originality and musical structures far from traditional schemes this album is not for you but if you are a fan of the bands mentioned in this review and you are looking for a powerful, fun, enthralling and engaging record, well ... you absolutely cannot miss this album.
The more things pass the more they stay the same ... 'and it's better this way' I dare to say! The album of the consecration and a must-have. Congratulations guys!


-       Track list:

01. Bring Out the Dead

02. Vengeance Ignited

03. Spitfire

04. Scream for Pleasure

05. Psycho Thrilling

06. Primal Rage

07. Die with a Smile

08. Walk with Me

09. Whispering Winds

10. One Last Ride


 -       Line-Up: 

Jamie Anderson vocals

Phil Armfelt guitars

Fredrick Hiitomaa bass 

Cari Crow drums



Article by: Mike Matty